Join us at! Bragg'n about Jesus! Family, Food and Fellowship! April 7th 10:30am
Join us on May 4th at 1pm for our official Groundbreaking ceremony for the soon to be new Clarks Chapel Church of God location. 2131 W US HWY 69, EMORY TX
Join us for our Church Membership Class in the Fellowship Hall 930am Sunday April 28th.
Sunday August 11th is Clarks Chapel 107 Year Anniversary. Immediately following the service we will have a pot luck dinner to celebrate. Please bring a dish and join us!
**Bounce House/ Waterslide** Cornhole boards, Hotdogs, chips and drinks. Bring a friend and enjoy an evening of food, fun and fellowship ** Please bring a towel and dry clothes**
Come join the Owls in the Fellowship Hall for game day at 2pm, bring a snack to share. Contact Glenda Carter Robare or Brother Matt Robare.
P LEASE JOIN IS for a youth fundraiser immediately following the Youth Take Over Service October 6th. Meal will be by donations and served by the Youth.