All IN Sunday – PotLuck Luncheon – honoring our Pastor!
Sunday November 3rd is our ALL IN Family Sunday immediately falling the service we will have a pot luck luncheon to fellowship with and honor our Pastor! Please make plans […]
Sunday November 3rd is our ALL IN Family Sunday immediately falling the service we will have a pot luck luncheon to fellowship with and honor our Pastor! Please make plans […]
ALL-IN Sunday is the first Sunday of each month, be sure to wear your ALL-IN T-shirts. We will also participate in the Lord's Supper.
Join us this Sunday for Good Food and Fellowship right after the Church Servcices! Bring and Dish to share!
Saturday April 19th 12-2pm at Sandy Creek Park 12 and Under - Everything is Free Egg Hunt, Games, Face painting Hot Dogs, Snow Cones. Popcorn